Brawn Mixer Lifts Custom
Product InquiryBrawn Mixer lifts and mixer supports bring another layer of application specification to our mixers and mixing systems. Custom-designed lift stands, tote brackets, beam supports, and independent mounting structures can be ordered to meet your exact process needs.
Heavy Duty Construction
Manual, Mechanical, Pneumatic, or Hydraulic Lift
Custom Designed by Application
Hygienic Specification is Optional
Custom Lift Stands
Brawn custom lift stands bring increased flexibility for processes that require frequent changeover, wash-down and cleaning, or portability. A heavy-duty lift stand will also improve operator and product safety by reducing manual actions and decreasing the risk of product contamination. Additional customization is available to meet specific application requirements. All of which assists in increasing efficiency.
Materials of Construction
Brawn Mixer supports feature high strength aluminum, carbon steel, or stainless steel construction. Manual, electric, pneumatic and hydraulic lift mechanisms can be specified with any custom support. Mobile stands feature heavy duty casters for roll-about portability.
Custom mixer supports improve operator ergonomics by providing a safe, assisted-action platform to position, operate, or transport mixers. They also help maintain correct mixing geometry throughout the process cycle.
Hygienic Design
Brawn hygienic-spec mixer supports can be specified with all-stainless construction for sanitary or highly corrosive environments, and can be ordered with process shields to decrease contamination risk. Brawn Mixer application engineers can also develop washdown configurations to meet specific cleanability standards.
Contact Thermal Products today!