Replacement Heat Exchanger getting ready for shipment

Replacement U-Tube Heat Exchanger getting ready for shipment to our customer!
Thermal Products was approached to replace a Bell & Gossett U-Tube exchanger Model SU-267-2 with a 26″ diameter and 84″ tube length with 2 passes. The need was to have the new heat exchanger be “in kind” or Drop In Replacement, not having to modify any piping for ease and ability to get up and running quickly.
The Heat Exchanger was one of Thermal Products model TPU-26-84-2 with carbon steel shell and head with 3/4″ copper tubes.
Although expediting was not required with this particular project, we received the order and shipped within our normal 6 week lead-time. If you have a need for a Drop In Replacement Heat Exchanger or Tube Bundle we can do this in as quick as 24 hours from time of order.
Contact us today to discuss your needs! Or visit