Advantage Brewery Chiller for Cooling Glycol


Glycol Chillers Designed for Breweries to Maximize Beer Production and Cool Fermentation Tanks, Brite Tanks and Wort Coolers.

  • High fluid flow promotes maximum heat transfer for faster and more consistent product cooling.
  • Designed to Provide 20°F – 30°F Glycol – to support all of your cooling needs.
  • Built for your environment – rugged design shrinks your worries, reduces maintenance cost and provides the best product for your needs.
  • Backed by a nationwide service network of independent service companies that accelerates service attention and minimizes downtime in the event of a problem.
  • Backed by experienced application and service professionals. Our applications specialists listen to your unique requirements to guarantee the selection of the correct glycol/water chiller to meet your needs while minimizing your initial investment and ongoing energy costs.

Brewery Chillers are easily installed and operated that only requires a source for power, coolant fluid and a process load to be controlled by temperature.  Cooling water is needed, if water-cooled.

The chillers are placed in your brew house or an adjacent utility and are available in air-cooled and water-cooled versions.  The chillers can be configured with a remote, air-cooled condenser to decrease heat being rejected into your facility.

Chillers are delivered fully charged with refrigerant, tested and ready to run right from delivery. All control instrument information is conveniently located allowing instant diagnosis of performance.

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Part Number: SKU 1466-1 Categories: ,